
Cheque Register

Transactions=>Cheque Register

             Cheque register is used to manage outgoing and incoming cheques. The status of issued and receipted cheques can be easily verified by this register.

  • Step 1
    • Click Transactions=>Accounting=>Cheque Register to view & update cheque register as shown Step 1 figure
  • Step 2
    • Now Cheque Register window appears as shown in the Step 2 figure.
  •  Step 3
    •  On the left panel of that window, the bank name should be selected. All Cheque details of the selected bank will be displayed on the right panel 
  • Step 4
    • Details that are available on the right panel are
      •  Transaction Type =>Transaction type of cheque. Available transaction Types are
        • Issue-Issued Cheques
        • Issue Return-Cheques which are returned after the issue
        • Receipt-Receipted Cheques
        • Receipt Return-Cheques which are returned after receipt
        • Available-Currently Available Cheques
      • Bank Account=>Name of the bank
      • Cheque No-Number of the cheque
      • Party Name=>If the cheque is involved in a transaction, then the name of the party will be displayed here.
      • Tran. Date=>If the cheque is involved in a transaction, then the date of the transaction will be displayed here
      • Cheque Date=>If the cheque is involved in a transaction, the  Cheque date of the transaction will be displayed here
      •  Bank Date =>If the cheque is involved in a transaction & reconciled with bank statement, the bank date will be displayed here
      • Amount=>If the cheque is involved in a transaction, the amount of the transaction will be displayed here
      • Status=>Status of the Cheque. After updating the status, click the save button available on the top bar. Available Statuses are
        •  Honored-Passed cheque
        • Cancelled-Cancelled Cheque
        • Pending-Pending
        • Issue-Empty-Issued as blank as a blank cheque
        • Receipt-Empty-Receipt as a blank cheque
      • Remarks=>Remarks about that cheque. After updating the remarks,click save button available on the top bar
    • There is a filter button on each column header. Using that, user can filter cheque details as per their requirement

See Also

    • Product Creation