
Printer Settings

Tools=>Printer Settings

Printer Settings tool of InvoiceNET® Lite helps to set default printer for print forms

  • Step 1
    • Click Tools & Utilities=> Printer Settings to open printer settings as shown in Step 1 figure
  • Step 2
    • Now Printer Settings window appears as shown in Step 2 figure
    •  Available printer settings options are
      •  Printers
        • Available Printers=>Select a printer from the available printers combo box.  All available printers in Windows are listed here
      • Heading Text=>Heading text font type and size. Applicable to only print using native code set to ‘Yes’.
      • Body Text=>Body text font type and size. Applicable to only print using native code set to ‘Yes’. 
      • Grand Total=>Grand total font type and size. Applicable to only print using native code set to ‘Yes’. 
      • Voucher / Bill No=> Voucher no font type and size. Applicable to only print using native code set to ‘Yes’
      • General
        • Form Type => Select form type. Applicable to only print using native code set to ‘Yes’. Available form types are
          • Os Defined
          • Program Defined
        • Print using native code?=>Set ‘Yes’ if the form type is in native code format. By default, prefer to be ‘No’
      • Click on OK button to apply the changes.

See Also

    • Product Creation