


T-Export tool helps in exporting the master, inventory, and accounts transaction data in XML format which can be imported to Tally in a few steps making it easier for auditors.

  • Step 1
    • Click Tools & Utilities=> T-Export to export data to tally as shown in Step 1 figure
  • Step 2
    • Now T-Export window appears as shown in Step 2 figure. Available parameters are
      • Options=>Select option here. Available options are Masters & Transactions. Masters have to be transferred prior to transactions.
      • File Name =>xml filename to save exported details. In Tally, this file need to be imported using import tool.
  • Step 3
    •   If option set to ‘Masters’, t-export window will look like as shown in step 3 figure
  • Step 4
    • Put tick whatever master needs to transfer to tally as shown in Step 4 figure
    • Select a path and give the filename for saving the master XML file in the filename text box as shown in Step 4 figure
  • Step 5
    •  Click on Start button to run the process as shown in Step 5 figure

See Also

    • Product Creation